Itunes ?

I have a mac mini that has leopard OS. I downloaded the newest 10.5.2 itunes today. All my music was on an external hard drive. Now it doesn't allow me use that HD. When i try to change the library folder location the HD doesn't show up. Did i screw up by downloading this version? Where do i go from here? Thanks.
When you say "file management provisions that are provided in the Mac OS ",

what are you referring to? Is there a easy way to do that?
Herman and Toby can answer that much better than I can. As I said I have little knowledge about Macs. But I'm simply referring to whatever the conventional methods are in OS X for copying files.

-- Al
If i can't transfer a non mac formatted disc to another mac formatted disc with the superduper or clone software, where do i go from here?
I can't reformat it without deleting it, correct?

I guess i could transfer the internal hd from my mini to a mac formatted hd, and have most of my music. Then delete the internal memory after i make a couple copies of that. Is this my best option? Or is there still a way to get the info from the non mac formatted disc over to a mac disc? Will re read Toby's post to see if i missed it.
If i can't transfer a non mac formatted disc to another mac formatted disc with the superduper or clone software, where do i go from here?
What I'm saying is don't clone the disk that has the files on it to the other disk, just copy the files to the other disk. That should be very simple and straightforward. Disk cloning and file copying are two very different things, done in different ways. Either one would provide you with the necessary backup, but since in this case the cloning program won't work, just do it by copying, instead.
I can't reformat it without deleting it, correct?
Correct. Be absolutely sure that you have successfully copied the files to the backup drive, before reformatting the first drive.

-- Al
Al's advice is on the money. Basically you have to stash your music files somewhere safe while you get your music drive into perfect shape, emptied and squeaky clean with all the bookshelves in order. So to speak. Then you reformat the music drive and copy the files back onto it. Then if it all works, you clone your music drive to a reformatted backup drive, using SuperDuper.

Al suggests you stash your music files by copying with the OS. On a Mac, copying files with the OS is called copying in the Finder. You open a window and navigate within it until it shows a list of the files you want to copy. You open a second window which shows the destination, the place you want to copy the files to. Then you select the files in the first window and drag them to the second. The Finder will put up a progress bar to show you how long you'll have to wait till the copy is done.

The only worry I would have here is the possibility that some of the music files have been corrupted. If you have any of these, copying them is not a good idea. They need to be trashed asap. Unfortunately I don't think you can find them without a diagnostic and repair program. I use DiskWarrior. However it costs $100. I have never been sorry I paid the money but you don't have to feel the same way. You can go ahead and do your copy without it. The chances are small that there will be a file corruption problem on the disk.
Thanks so much guys. This has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I did the same thing with my iphoto backup hard drive. ( creating only a alias, not a backup). I just finished putting all my iphoto pics onto an EHD and am in the process of using superduper to make a copy of that disc for safekeeping. What a disaster that could have been, losing pictures. Worse than music as they can't be replaced.
Tomorrow when i get time i'm going to copy my music over and then reformat the original disc and use it as a backup. You guys have been great, Thank you!