Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power

Looking if anyone has views / experience with Siltech cables between Pass Labs Pre and Power amps? I'm looking at "Explorer" series and maybe "Ann" series.
Other considerations I thought of were Transparent "Ultra" and Silent Source "Signature". System will be mainly digital source. Tks in advance..

PS Other recommendations welcome.
I use Discovery Essence - very neutral, musical and an overall well-balanced character - hence pairing very well with Pass gear.
I have an Aleph Ono, X1, and XA30.5, as well as Bel Canto gear. I use balanced Essence cabling throughout, from source to amp, as well as Essential speaker cabling, and a Discovery power cable on the XA30.5.
Highly recommended, especially for the price!

you cannot go wrong w/ either Transparent nor Silent Source.
I have heard both cable/cords w/ Pass gear, it is simply outstanding!