Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power

Looking if anyone has views / experience with Siltech cables between Pass Labs Pre and Power amps? I'm looking at "Explorer" series and maybe "Ann" series.
Other considerations I thought of were Transparent "Ultra" and Silent Source "Signature". System will be mainly digital source. Tks in advance..

PS Other recommendations welcome.
Well... completed all comparisons .. and came down to Discovery and Purist.
Decided on Purist.. now comparing some of the lines.. Tks all.. this has been
fun.. Next will be AC cables... i've no idea how 5-60 Hz effects audio signal,
but sounds like it does... will be interesting..
The problem with cables and, therein lies their beauty, is that they take quite some time to break in to sound their best. So, patience is key when it comes to cables.