Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power

Looking if anyone has views / experience with Siltech cables between Pass Labs Pre and Power amps? I'm looking at "Explorer" series and maybe "Ann" series.
Other considerations I thought of were Transparent "Ultra" and Silent Source "Signature". System will be mainly digital source. Tks in advance..

PS Other recommendations welcome.
What I said many times: Purist makes the best powercables on this planet!!
Whats weird.. and i'm not sure this sounds right.. but seems power cords have a bigger effect on sound that interconnects... not sure if correct.. but i'm thinking i'd have to really move up in any line.. to get these effects with just interconnects. Just seems bottom from top thinking.. just interesting.
It Always depends on the brand you use. Better powercables give a different result when you compare different interconnects.

When you compare with the new Purist you bought, the same interconnects work differently then when you compare them with the older powercables. Many people forget this.
So.. not sure what this means. but see what you think. With 3 venustas AC with my musaeus interconnects.. i have a what seems to me a huge separation with everything.. and love the sound. I received the canorus AC.. and its broken in.. and added to my amp only. It brought what was separated back together and the bass seems more there.. but i think its because it was taken from mid. Not sure if that make sense.. but what i'm hearing .. with 3 different tracks.
Trying all canorus on everything now.. for couple of days.. to adjust sound.. then will retry all venustas. Maybe its cos i'm missing the separation at first.. maybe head adjustment required.. lol