What's a good alternative to Pass Labs?

Owner of the x250.5 (pass labs). It's a remarkable amplifier, it just doesn't seem to synergize all that well with my speaker. Something a little less bright (a little more forgiving) and something slightly less warm. It seems to get warmest in the mid-bass (bloat), and brightest of course in the higher treble. The mid-bass warmth/bloat exists at lower as well as higher volumes, the brightness starts to get bad at louder volumes. I think they that Pass is a warm neutral, so perhaps i'm just looking for something that's just neutral. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

budget less than $10k. used or new ok.
I recently bought a Pass Labs X350.5 ( In 2015 I will buy a .8
series one) This is my fifth Pass amp ( XA30.5, 60.5, 100.5 and

I was surprised how much better it was than the X250.5. The
dynamics are superior, the stage is wider and deeper. But within
the stage the individual focus of instruments and voices is
sharper and more intimate. I already had a stage on the sides of
my speakers. But Now I also have the height increase ( I use 2
pair of the brand new Audioquest Wel Signature XLR) as I have
within and behind the speakers. It is a lot more musical in the
overall sound. It gives me the same feeling as I had with the
XA100.5. But with a better spatial and a faster and more dynamic
low freq. With the Purist Audio LE I prefer this over the
XA100.5 which I also owned.
Just got 350.8 wow great dynamics,great stage.wonderful imaging.The alternative get a Soulution 711 its only $65.000.00 i think its a little better.
The amp is very, very unlikely to be your problem. You are far better off fixing the offending component. And if it is the speakers causing the brightness problem you can work all you want to use compensating equipment, but the distortion causing the brightness, and the distortion causing the "fixit" components to cover up the brightness, will all just add masking distortion.

In the end, you will end up getting rid of the offending component anyway, you might as well avoid years of trying to fix it and a lot of wasted money, and get it out of there now.