Mark Levinson no. 20 monoblocks

Hi, i just purchase a very nice pair of Vintage Mark levinson no.20 monoblock amplifiers, i would love to know which brand of preamp to go with these vintage amplifiers. Any suggestion will help.


Hi, george
Thank you so much for your suggestion. I will try the 390s going straight to the Mark Levinson no.20 and see how it turn out. I will keep you posted.


Hi, George
Your advices are very helpful. The last few night i have used the mark levinson no.390s cd/pre to go straight to the mark levinon no.20 amps, amazing result very analog sounding. ( From 390s to 20.5 i use transparent reference XLR with xl technology. The amps to speakers, because of fischer connectors i use cardas wires 12 feet long 11.5 gauge, used silver solder.


Good to hear Mac, you are now hearing your ML #39 cdp for what it is, in the the most transparent most dynamic way you can you can do, nothing added nothing subtracted in the way of colourations or distortions.

Cheers George
Hi. George
Looking to up grade, is the Mark levinson no.33h a better choice to replace the ML. no.20?


I ran the ML20.1 with the ML26S. Match made in heaven. Although I did not own the 33H, I owned the little brother ML333 and it was not up to par with the 20.1. Be aware of the significant repair cost of the 33 series amps.