Cary 805 vs 211 amp

I have the Cary SLP-05 preamp. Looking to get an amp. Powering perhaps the BW 800 diamonds... 90db/1watt/1meter sensitivity.

Listen high 80db usually.

Btw, what's the overall reliability of a tube amp?
I have the 211's and just ordered the 805AE's. Give me another week or two and I'll have both to compare. My GUESS is that the 805AE's will be sweeter sounding because of their SET design. Plus, the 805's allow 845 or 211 tube options.

Be aware of the nice upgrades Cary offers on the 805's (and other products). I went for all three upgrades.

SET usually trumps PP....but not always.
IMHO, both the 805 and 211 amps are not a good match for the B&W 800 Diamonds.

I must agree with Brf, as the 800 Diamond is not a good match for tubes due to the extreme variations in its impedance and phase angle. Take a look at the graph here.