Cary 805 vs 211 amp

I have the Cary SLP-05 preamp. Looking to get an amp. Powering perhaps the BW 800 diamonds... 90db/1watt/1meter sensitivity.

Listen high 80db usually.

Btw, what's the overall reliability of a tube amp?
I mean people have run the 805AE into some Martin Logan summits and those have terrible impedence graphs... If any of the more knowledgeable members can compare the two and see if the impendece curve of the BW 800 diamonds to be terrible.

I'm just speculating because I've never heard the specific combination. There's a tough combination of steep phase angle and app 4 ohm impedance between 1khz and 2 khz on the graph so kindly linked by tls49. I'd personally be concerned because that's in a place where the ear is very sensitive. Therefore, an audition would be important for me.

As to the Cary 211, I have no experience. I own Cary 805s and 300Bs and think very highly of both amps. The 805 is probably suitable for use with a greater variety of speakers than all but a few SET designs, but they're still not for every application. I'd proceed with caution.

Just MHO.
Spoke to cary and I sent them the graph above - they said the 211 has 4ohm taps and should be ok.
I hope you're able to actually hear this match and then decide. I'm bias in favor of tube power amps but some speakers are designed with the intention of SS amplifiers driving them.It seems the B&W is one of those speakers.
Good Luck,