Your most disappointing purchase or audition?

I've had a few.

bought a Naim Nait 3. Loved it in the store. Returned it within a week- way forward at home

Brought home some CJ preamp to audition perhaps 22 years ago. Noisy as anything and a turn off transient destroyed a tweeter (though years later i bought a CJ 17LS2 which I thought was the finest preamp I ever heard in my home)

Auditioned a VPI table (HW19) in a store- the store just could not get the belt to stay on. Bought a Rega instead. This was in perhaps 1990.

Fortunately, I never really experienced buyers remorse say 6 months or more after settling on a piece of gear.

Finally, there have been too many speakers that got stellar write ups which I just didn't care for.
Thank you for providing the link, Al!

It's quite strange in exactly what you said being true, the same point is made over and over again. I find it doesn't lend tremendous insight into the design of the AZ loudspeakers. At any rate, forgive me for reading between the lines, as it's all I have to continue the conversation with...

It seems the focus is on materials. Robert Lee, who we've hosted in our audio society, and was the consummate gentleman, may have a background, as do I, as a material scientist/engineer.

However, I can say that my career in that realm provided me with little in the way of what makes a speaker good or bad. Interestingly enough, that happened during a time when there were a lot more audiophiles, and I was just one among a larger crowd in a company of just 65 people. I would likewise say that none of our diverse (ceramics, metals, polymers, organic/inorganic chemistry, physicists, etc.) backgrounds in the field endowed us with loudspeaker knowledge. As an aside, we did make the raw materials for products used in the high-end audio industry such as Vishay and Caddock resistors, though I can assure you high-end audio was not the aim of those companies, or ours for that matter.

Getting to have Bud Fried as a mentor taught me that it's the crossover that plays more a role in how a speaker sounds than anything else, and has a huge impact in the sort of impedance curves you're especially fond of. Most have forgotten Bud, but it was the series crossover, and not transmission line bass loading that he considered the most important component of his outstanding loudspeakers.

Today, companies put a lot more emphasis in cabinetry, and finishing of such. That seems to separate the more serious products today, as investing a lot in tomblike dead cabinets, book matched veneers, and multi-step finishes allow companies to charge tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for a products pre Y2K went for $2-$10K. After cabinetry, driver technology garners the focus, though it doesn't take much creativity, skill, or intelligence to pick from the upper echelon Scan Speak or Seas product lines. I'll return to Bill Legall of Millersound, who doesn't give a hoot about the cost or reputation of a driver, but when you put it in his hands of 50+ years of experience, and just by playing with for a minute or two, he can tell you if it's going to sound good or not. Funny thing is, he'll often pick up a 1972 paper cone Pioneer driver, and show you why it works better than the latest and greatest from Dynaudio.

No, in my opinion, it's that area no one sees or really thinks about, apart from perhaps upping the parts quality, the crossover that separates the wheat from the chaff. We live in an age where we just assume that an outfit that put as much care and effort into putting those expensive drivers into a furniture grade box will also get the crossover right. Except, as it's no longer plunge routers and 1000 grit sandpaper, but mathematics that come into play here. And, I hope no one's under the illusion that our society has the same level of math chops we used to possess.

A good friend of mine builds loudspeakers. Mind you, he came from an engineering background, so the ins and outs of crossovers should not present something that scares him away from mastering. I listened to them over and over again, and always came across the same oddity in them. Finally, one day, he showed me the values, and I immediately told him one of them is off by a factor of 10; a classic case of the decimal point getting moved one place. It was pretty clearly cut and obvious, though his reaction was one of sticking his head in the sand. I told him we could quickly confirm everything by working the numbers out in Excel, but he wanted to run the other way. When I asked him about how he came up with the numbers, his answer was that a mutual friend of ours gave them to him, and he didn't feel comfortable even thinking about a change. OK, but there's the mystery of the sonics unraveled. In fact, it was no longer a mystery at all.

The upshot of this being I no longer have much faith in loudspeaker manufacturers having any idea of what they're doing in regard to what I consider the most important factor in how a loudspeaker sounds. AZ seems to produce good cabling, and using that in their loudspeakers might draw interest for very legitimate reasons. But in the end, if a company doesn't do well in the mathematical formula of the crossover, those expensive drivers and boutique crossover parts in the beautiful can only take one so far.

Finally, I must apologize for lack of clarity. A few people have written to me in regard to my use of the word "plastic" to describe the AZ sound. As folks like Charles have mentioned, there's a certain naturalness to paper drivers that result in that musical sound so many of us love. Plastic is the opposite of that. Instead of naturalness, the sound is something that comes off as odd or off. Guitar folk like to talk about tone, and for many, that's the be all and end all. In short, it's the tone that so very wrong, and that's what I mean by the description, plastic. Hope that helps...
Tyler Acoustics Taylo 7U. I have owned one other pair of Tyler speakers and heard 7 or 8 others and found them to be at least very good, with several better than that. The 7U was dismal. Dull, flat, and not involving in the least. I liked this speaker less than any other I have ever owned.
From a philosophical standpoint I agree with much of what you wrote in your post. I owned a speaker with a series crossover(Harmonic Precision Echelon, 12 ohm load) and it was very good. For what ever reason the AZ Crescendo impressed me and was natural in sound (a must have for me).I do find that many modern "high resolution" speakers have a somewhat artificial character that strikes me as hifi rather than natural music reproduction. I definitely relate to your perspective in general.

Jwm, I've said all I'm going to say about Magico, to each their own.
"My most disappointing purchase or audition?"

First wife 8^( Should have stuck with the audition... and passed on the purchase.
It seems that the issues that Tubes108 is talking about did not occur. I say that because I've not heard of this event and this company is too small for something like this to slip by me.

I take issues with a number of comments in the post- for example the preamps don't 'blow tubes'! We use a custom wire for internal hookup- so there would not have been one amp built with stranded wire and the other built with solid core. They would have both been solid core- we don't even stock a stranded hookup wire. Further, his comments about changing resistors to save time and 'Some directional components within the preamp were installed backwards', seem just dead wrong to me- the preamp is not likely work with electrolytic caps installed backwards(!) and certainly not with diodes either, on top of that we play each piece for 3 days to a week prior to shipping.

It does not surprise me that a power tube could have arced in one of our amps. We have seen tube failures (arc-over being the main failure mode) for 38 years. The amps are built to survive such events- its nothing new. We warrant the tubes for a year and its most likely that we will see failure of tubes immediately after shipping, depending to some degree on the shipping itself. But especially with the MkIII models (introduced 10 years ago) and newer, we have yet to see a tube failure damage the amp. However if Tubes108 was inside the product changing resistors to different values as he says, it is possible that this caused some of the damage he describes.

Right now I am feeling very much like this was some sort of drive-by potshot as neither I nor any of my staff can recall such an event. We are human of course, so we have a warranty to take care of the fact that we are not perfect, and our gear is entirely hand-wired, so there is certainly a human element. So I concede that we don't have a perfect record of shipment without failure or screwup on our part- that comes with the territory! But what I am seeing described is failures in all three products sent to one customer, in particular that details presented are not only unlikely but some of them are flat outright impossible, so I take this post as some sort of trolling event where there is possibly an underlying agenda.