Jolida JD102CRC

I'm seriously considering ordering a Jolida JD102CRC because I've really wanted to get into the world of tubes for a while. My real main hesitation is that I can't find much in the way of solid reviews or "reliable" information on Jolida. I see a lot of back and forth on whether it's just trash, or a solid entry level tube amp producer that happens to start their amps off with pretty low quality stock tubes... and all you need to do is upgrade those and you've got a really good amp for reasonable money.

Can someone shed some light on this particular model or recommend something else in THE SAME PRICE RANGE (~$875). No I can't jump to a PrimaLuna at 2 or 3 times the price.

My other consideration is a Peachtree Decco65 or Nova125, which would solve my need for a DAC at the same time... but I'm very hesitant to get something with a built in DAC. It just seems planned obseletion.

I'm looking to pull the trigger on something within the next week if possible.

Current System:

Vandersteen 1Cs
NAD 3140
Pro-Ject Debut Carbon w/ Ortofon 2M Red
The tad has only one 1 input. Essentially it is an integrated amp but if you turn the volume knob full tilt it bypasses the volume control and becomes a tube amp. When I owned it i was using it with a tad preamp and a DSPeaker antimode with a Peachtree nova as a DAC. I also had a class d audio 300 watt amp at the time and felt the tad 60 was more dynamic and sweeter on the top end. I had to sell my whole system to fund a remodel of a new house which sadly forced the sale of the tad system I had spent months tracking down but I kept one tad 60 of the two I had and plan to build another system around it when funds permit. If you buy and sell intelligently on here you can audition a ton of gear we thought ever taking a loss. For me that's the fun part of this hobby.
Don't walk but run over to Audio Asylum and look at the Quick Silver Mini' monos that are there for 800 per pair. These are great tube amps and are rated at 25 watts and should drive your Vandy's. This will give you a real opportunity to experience what tubes can do and a nice pair of amps to build around in the future, if the itch drive you to do so.

I'm in the camp that encourages you to explore hi fi in any direction you want to go, whether it is tubes, analog, digital, victrola or a banana peal. Hey, this is really a fun way to expand your knowledge and find what really tickles your ear.

I think I'm going to hold off on the tubes until I have the finances to do something more significant like a Rogue or Primaluna.

I've got it bid in on a Peachtree Nova125
and if that doesn't work out I think maybe a Creek Evolution 50A with a phono board will suit my needs, and once the Ruby DAC comes out that board would complete the package.
I've read nice things about peachy stuff, however, it is a mosfet amp with a high bred tube pre incorporating a dac. Not actually what you set out for but may meet your goal sonically. Best of luck but I think you might have been well served by a design from dennis had and or Mike sanders. These are classic pieces that may have been statements for years to come.

PrimaLuna prologue 2 just popped up for 795. This might be the piece you have been looking for. It is an integrated.