Integrated advice

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. I am considering moving some of my rig to my office system, so I may have an opening at home for an integrated. I'm happy with my current speakers - Golden Ear Triton 7 - that have an 89db sensitivity and a minimum of 3.7ohms. The front end is digital - Oppo 105 (may move to the Sony HAP Z1es, but nonetheless it will be digital). I've been using a Hegel H80, which I find to be a very nice sounding amp. However, more headroom/power would be a nice thing to have, especially because the Triton 7 has a nicely controlled deep bass.

I'm looking at a budget around $2,000-$3000 and want balanced inputs. I don't need a DAC or phono input. At this price point, I've seen a few possibilities that look interesting:

a. Wyred 4 Sound STI-500 (or the 1000)
b. Krell s300i
c. Musical Fidelity M6i (if I can find it used)

Wondering if you might give me your thoughts on any of the above. There are no dealers around here, so I won't have a chance to listen to it. However, I'll be sure to buy from a site with a return policy.

I appreciate your input and wish you all a good evening,
Well, it's a poor frog that won't praise its own pond, but I'm very happy with my Luxman 505ux integrated. It replaced an Ayre AX-7E and it was a noticeable improvement with my Harbeth SHL5 speakers. It has one set of balanced inputs that I use with my DAC. The onboard phono preamp is surprisingly good although I use an outboard PS Audico GCPH. Wonderful build quality, flexible, great remote. I even like the loudness control for low-volume listening, although you can go "line straight" and bypass all tonal correction features. You can also easily integrate into a A/V system if you decide to go that route. List is $4000, I bought mine for $3400, used you should be able to find well under $3000.
I had both the Wyred STI-500 and the Hegel H70 integrateds on my speakers, which are less efficient than yours. I ditched both of them for a 25 watt Clones 25i integrated and HAVE NEVER been more happy. The Clones makes EVERY other amp I've had sound like HiFi. Neither balanced inputs or hundreds of watts are needed for good sound, IMO.
Thanks for the input so far. The Nuprime has the features I want, but it's probably too new for me to feel comfortable buying it. I'd need to have more reviews/experiences from other members regarding its DAC and its sonic signature.

Ayre is quite intriguing as is the Luxman. I'll have to find a place that sells them with a trial period.

Keep the recommendations comingÂ…

Thanks so much,
Love my MF M6i and have Ayre QB9 DSD as digital source. For an office I would go with Ayre A-7. Less power however perfect for smaller spaces and can program for home theater bypass like MF M6i. I heard the Ayre A-7 with Ayre QB9 DSD and Sonus Faber Toy towers in a small 10'x10' and was blown away. If I was in condo over house I would trade the MF M6i for the Ayre A-7.