Integrated advice

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. I am considering moving some of my rig to my office system, so I may have an opening at home for an integrated. I'm happy with my current speakers - Golden Ear Triton 7 - that have an 89db sensitivity and a minimum of 3.7ohms. The front end is digital - Oppo 105 (may move to the Sony HAP Z1es, but nonetheless it will be digital). I've been using a Hegel H80, which I find to be a very nice sounding amp. However, more headroom/power would be a nice thing to have, especially because the Triton 7 has a nicely controlled deep bass.

I'm looking at a budget around $2,000-$3000 and want balanced inputs. I don't need a DAC or phono input. At this price point, I've seen a few possibilities that look interesting:

a. Wyred 4 Sound STI-500 (or the 1000)
b. Krell s300i
c. Musical Fidelity M6i (if I can find it used)

Wondering if you might give me your thoughts on any of the above. There are no dealers around here, so I won't have a chance to listen to it. However, I'll be sure to buy from a site with a return policy.

I appreciate your input and wish you all a good evening,
Geoffkait-- Not sure what you are saying?

OP -- Sorry to hear about your Sphinx. Pretty much everyone I've demoed one to has loved them (not sure what you happened on yours??)

The Krell would be a great option. At your price point, you also may be able to find a 550i (or very close to that price). The 550 is a VERY good integrated amp.

-Krell and Rogue dealer disclaimer

Doesn't the Krell 550i need a 20 amp circuit? I had ruled it out because of that, but perhaps I'm wrong?

I did like the sound of the Sphinx, so I wouldn't completely rule out the Pharaoh. How do you compare it sound-wise to the Sphinx?

No, you can run the 550 on a 15amp. It has a 20 amp connector on the back, but power cord is 15 outlet side to 20 amp side. Runs perfectly on 15 (it's what I have been doing with my demo units).

Pharaoh takes everything the Sphinx does well and steps it up several notches. Bigger soundstage, better bottom end, more detailed sound, a little smoother top end, higher end phono stage (mm/mc). Really a nice unit.
I in-store demoed the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i and then the Hegel H80 back to back. Speakers were the same-Golden Ear 7's. Source was the same CD player. I had not heard the speakers before and was very impressed with the imaging and bass output for the size. The ribbon tweeter was commanding and only sounded harsh when we turned up to high volume. I was rooting for the Hegel, but the Moon was superior. Really made the speakers sing and sound holographic. Both seem like fine products, but my final impression and opinion: my money would go for the Moon.

The Hegel H80 seemed to have a limited usable range on the volume control- or in other terms a lack of upward adjustment in the lower range of control. Had to considerably increase the volume setting on the Hegel to match the Sim sound output. Possibly this is what you are experiencing as well as you report a lack of headroom? Sim gave the impression of more gas in the tank. Possibly the Hegel 200, 300 would be a better match. My 2 cents on adding the Moon to your audition list. I had not heard any of the 3 options you mention.
Mattoy - you have described the Hegel perfectly. It just seemed like I could never find a comfortable volume - either I was straining to hear the details in the music, or I was overwhelmed in my somewhat small listening room. Using balanced ICs helped a bit.

I really like the Triton 7s, too. Very impressive for their size and price. They are exactly what I was looking for, so now I'm just trying to find the right amp. Thanks for the Simaudio recommendation. It's not a brand I know a lot about, but people seem to have wonderful things to say about their products.

Happy listening!