Vibration Tweaks

What vibration isolators for individual components are the most effective? I recently touched each piece of equipment with the volume at an intermediate level and was surprised at the amount of vibration caused by the speakers. Would speaker stands be the first place to start? I have them (B&W 802 matrix) standing on hardwood floors with felt pads so I can slide them when necessary.
I've had good results with Vibrapods. $6 each. Some Audiogon dealer discounts for buying 12, 24, etc, with free shipping.
Spiking speakers has always been a good start. I use Black Diamond Racing cones and pucks. Brass or titanium cones with protective brass disks is another option. The ball bearing isolation products cost more but are said to be quite effective. I will be testing a set this week-end on my speakers. You could write me to find out how it works out.
The most often overlooked piece of the mechanical isolation puzzle is right up on top (of each component).

There are lots and lots of cones, blobs, platforms, spikes, discs, etc. out there, and most of them do a great job.
Don't forget to mass load the tops of your components, though. Common grey-concrete bricks with felt glued to the bottoms work very well. And they're CHEAP!