Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help

Hi, really trying to find the best deal I can on a used integrated amp. My current set up is

Monitor Audio RX6 speakers
Oppo 105

Looking for a strong integrated that if I wish to upgrade my speakers will easily handle the change.

Looking at spending no more than $3,000 for a used example and would love some help. I stream most of my music through the Oppo instead of CD's and listen to a lot of Pink Floyd, Dave Matthews, Sting etc

Few choices i have outlined and really hard to be able to audition anything and would like it to match the speakers and Oppo well

Rega Elicit - R
Krell S550i
Hegel 200 or 300 if can afford (is the DAC much better than the 105)
Stello ai500
Saw a PLINIUS HAUTONGA Intergrated A but don't know too much about company.
Modwright 200

My room is around 15 x 15 with wood floors

Thanks in advance for help
The cj CA200 does get overlooked. I have not heard the 200 but it does share some design circuitry with the mighty Premier 350 which is the best balanced sounding amp I have heard. If you keep your MA RX6 or move up the MA line it should be a perfect fit to keep the aggressive MA treble tamed.
I was in this situation last year. I looked and listened to everything on your list plus the Luxman l-505u and I ended up with the Hegel H200. I can't stand the looks of it but wow does it sound right. For me.
Thanks for all the advice so far.Donjr did you try the Rega Elict R as I have been given an awesome price on a used model. Also in relation to Hegel I agree the unit is ugly but I hear nothing but good reports. They are bringing out Hegel 160 soon to replace 100 and 200 so may wait. Did you happen to compare hegel 100 with 200 - is there much difference?
Simonmorty-I heard the Rega Elict/Apollo driving a VA Haydn and was not impressed. IMO a $1500(new)NAD 375BEE is a better amp. If your looking for a used amp under $2K consider a Marantz-S11/2 which is competitive or better then all amps on your list, and should be a good match with Monitor Audio.
Hegel would be my choice. I also have a sim audio 5.3se I am not using if you want to buy that.