Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help

Hi, really trying to find the best deal I can on a used integrated amp. My current set up is

Monitor Audio RX6 speakers
Oppo 105

Looking for a strong integrated that if I wish to upgrade my speakers will easily handle the change.

Looking at spending no more than $3,000 for a used example and would love some help. I stream most of my music through the Oppo instead of CD's and listen to a lot of Pink Floyd, Dave Matthews, Sting etc

Few choices i have outlined and really hard to be able to audition anything and would like it to match the speakers and Oppo well

Rega Elicit - R
Krell S550i
Hegel 200 or 300 if can afford (is the DAC much better than the 105)
Stello ai500
Saw a PLINIUS HAUTONGA Intergrated A but don't know too much about company.
Modwright 200

My room is around 15 x 15 with wood floors

Thanks in advance for help
Just my personal, but I listened to all the integrated's talked about in this thread and the Ayre was heads and toes above the others a couple aren't in the same class at all. PEsonally, I hope you get a chance to go listen for yourself. I have used a top NAD integrated with Proac Supertowers for years and I needed a change. I also run a Marantz in my bedroom system, so I fully know what they sound like I"m not cutting them down at all as I own them myself, but they don't do anything as well as the Ayre. The Ayre should as it costs much more. The AX5 is the best integrated I've ever heard. We are talking about the AX7e in this thread but they are cut from the same DNA. Go listen for yourself as that's the only way you will be happy with your purchase.
Given what you said you're looking for I'd think an integrated from Hegel, Ayre, Pass Labs, or Plinius among others would be a large step forward in all those areas you listed. Of those I only see a Hegel H200 currently available in your price range, and if you can bargain the asking price down a bit you could likely resell it at little/no loss if it's not to your liking. But I would think that highly unlikely. Best of luck and let us know how it works out whatever you ultimately choose.
Thanks guys for all your help. It has helped me narrow down my search a lot. Currently looking at Hegel, Ayre, C.J and Pinius. Guess my desire is that it will work with my current speakers but also for upgrade
I've had the Modwright KWI 200 since August and quite like it though they weren't lying when they said tons of break-in is needed. Detailed while maintaining a hint of the warmth I found lacking in many other amps. That warmth is the glue that holds all the bits and pieces in the soundstage together IMO.
However not 100% sure I'll keep it, also want to hear the Hegels therefore I find Drarmi's earlier comments comparing the two very interesting. If I go Hegel it will be the H200, not interested in spending the extra money for a built in DAC on the 300

IMO, the HK is a somewhat different animal than virtually any other model recommended in this thread, so it will come down to your personal priorities. The HK power amp section is a true high end SS design, similar in many ways to those found in Electrocompaniet amps (they were designed by the same person). As far as I can tell, the execution is first rate and the HK 990 will handle most speaker loads very gracefully and without complaint. Personally, I doubt that any other SS integrated amp in your price range will be meaningfully superior in this respect.

The pre-amp section is where this choice will either win or lose for most audiophile types. It can be used as a traditional high end unit in direct mode. I thought it sounded very good this way in the lengthly home audition I conducted. I didn't compare it to Marantz, but I did have the opportunity to compare it to a my Bel Canto and Pathos integrateds with my SF Cremonas. I would honestly be hard pressed to tell you I heard much difference between the Bel Canto and the HK - tho I thought that the Pathos was a somewhat different sounding animal.

However, when used with the DSP engaged in a system with subwoofers (a pair of 12" Rythmiks) and Maggie MMGs, the HK really shined. It replaced a high end Onkyo pre-pro and an ARC VT 130SE and sounded very, very good in comparison. At the price, I felt it a real bargain for such an application.

My bottom line (per my previous post) is that the HK probably provides unmatched flexibility relative to the universe of high end integrateds. IMO, it's very, very good as a traditional unit, but absolutely great when used with sub-woofers. Since your speaker choice is TBD, I thought it was a particularly appropriate recommendation in your case.

BTW, I never had the chance to buy the unit as HK discontinued it before I pulled the trigger and I no longer buy used gear.

Good luck.