Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help

Hi, really trying to find the best deal I can on a used integrated amp. My current set up is

Monitor Audio RX6 speakers
Oppo 105

Looking for a strong integrated that if I wish to upgrade my speakers will easily handle the change.

Looking at spending no more than $3,000 for a used example and would love some help. I stream most of my music through the Oppo instead of CD's and listen to a lot of Pink Floyd, Dave Matthews, Sting etc

Few choices i have outlined and really hard to be able to audition anything and would like it to match the speakers and Oppo well

Rega Elicit - R
Krell S550i
Hegel 200 or 300 if can afford (is the DAC much better than the 105)
Stello ai500
Saw a PLINIUS HAUTONGA Intergrated A but don't know too much about company.
Modwright 200

My room is around 15 x 15 with wood floors

Thanks in advance for help
Try and find a used/demo Exemplar Audio Exception Integrated. With a really nice front end you would have to spend big big bucks to beat this unit. I own one and have no plans on replacing it. It is a beautiful sounding piece of audio equipment!
Lot's of choices. I'd love to see you get an Ayre and put it up against all the other choices you have. That will tell us about your ear, lol.
I just picked up a preowned Hegel H200 after listening to their gear at the recent RMAF. Although I have no experience with the other amps mentioned I am extremely happy with this unit. Much deeper sound stage and resolution compared to my Anthem AV30/A2 combination. Plenty of power to push my B&W803s speakers with much smother bass as well.
Heard the Ayre AX7e last year at HiFi House thru some Wilson speakers. Blew me away, clean, transparent, hint of warmth but nicely detailed. Only issue is it works best in balanced mode. It got me started on thinking about a serious upgrade to a modern integrated. Heard a McIntosh 6700 the next day and also enjoyed that. Different level there though.
I made the decision to go fully balanced. I am even looking into going balance for my turntable/phono pre. It has made the world of difference. Just get a balanced DAC and you're all set. When you play in this range, going balanced is pretty easy. The Ayre to me just blew away all the others and I often will bring my integrated with me to shops and listen straight up. Even the sales people are blown away by the Ayre. Any shop I've gone into who sells Ayre along with others ALWAYS has demoed with the Ayre gear if I didn't ask. If you ask the workers, they all say the Ayre is what they have or want. I find that telling myself.