Room Treatment Surprise

I have really lousy dimensions for my listening room ... 10x10x8. I use B&W N804s and recently added a subwoofer. Then, I got the bright idea to treat the room with corner bass traps and a few other items from GIK Acoustics. This has proved to be a huge upgrade, probably better than at new component. I find that I no longer need to use the subwoofer unless the recording is bad sonically, in which case a little overall boost is necessary. Has anyone else experienced this type of thing?
Had I been aware of the benifits of room treatments 4 years ago, I could have saved myself approx. $4,000 on upgrading various components, cables etc. The culprit of music enjoyment is the room! Deal with the room, and you will find that your gear is actually quite great.
Bobnegi are 1,000% correct. My gear is actually a whole lot better than I ever thought, now that I have treated the room. Room treatment is probably the most important investment one can make in their system.
Yep,you can put 5 figured gear in a tiled bathroom or a gym and add all those BS cables and it will still sound like crap.
Do the room with acoustic panels and its end of story but without the 5 figures and the BS cables.
I use RealTraps exclusively now as I changed out some 244's(which did clean up the mid/highs).
The RT HF mondos actually gave me more of the reverb effects that were on the recording,I was quite surprised how much more there was on those same recordings.
I did the gear first yrs ago and then the room,course now I have both,so I guess a win/win.
Drummermitchell...i am considering RealTraps MiniTraps or MondoTraps as bass traps for my small listening room. Which would you suggest?