ARCAM AVR300 - beware

Heads up..DO NOT BUY any ARCAM products!

AVR 300 which have had a number of problems, including overheating leading to capacitor replacement, diode replacement and eventually motherboard replacement that occurred shortly after the warranty expired on 2011. I was able to resolve this problem by having the unit repaired for $400 at the time, however at the time I was never offered the partial buyback or upgrade option that Arcam rep, Mike Marko, admitted there were design/build problems with those series of receivers. Currently this same unit is having yet another issue. When I turn the unit on it powers off almost immediately after the "SAT" clicks on to hear my DVR. I called a local repair center and they said it's a known issue with the MB and a fix is in the $450-500 range. Unfortunately, the problem remains unresolved. I even contacted the new rep Tom Mcgee who was completely unhelpful. He never return any calls or responds.
(1) At it's worst, ARCAM is no worse than all the others in a crowded
strata of AVRs.

(2) At it's best, it's audio and video performance compared to the
alternate choices, are among the very best out there.
(3) WRT build quality and resulting reliability expectation: At the '300' price
point it was and still is "a pick 'em" choice in a built to the
cheapest cost in ChiFi arena that triggers a buzzilion choices from all

Regrettably, that is why I eventually abandoned the AV receiver and
migrated up to three "hi- end" UK designed AND built power amps (non
Arcam), the ARCAM BluRay and a "hi-end" US AV preamplifier/processor
separates in a 7.2 HT system, (for the best-of-breed build quality and
reliability and not just for the performance uptick. )

The old discontinued models (like the 300) have been upgraded by
several replacement versions since these old models passed their sunset
milestones wrt to reliability.

There is an invariable time honored fact in this hobby, and especially so in
the HT market = build quality matters, and you get what you pay for.

The high(er) end ARCAM AVRs are class leaders (Google the reviews )
There are numerous posts in Audiogon about how ARCAM fell into the
Crappy Chi-Fi Build trap for a while before moving it's flagship AV
receivers back to the UK

The gremlins that initially infected and haunted the 300 and other sunset
products do not warrant automatically ARCAM as problematic. there are
equally many many posts of similar breakdown in all of the other receivers
I have to agree with Akg ca: we cannot lump ARCAM into unreliable status over a series of receivers. The AVR250-350 units were built immediately after the EU enacted RoHS standards in 2006. eliminating lead from solder, from which a great many products were built horribly. ARCAM's previous AV receivers; the AVR100 and AVR200 were built with leaded solder and are still regarded as reliable tanks all these years later.

Industry wide electronics reliability was so vastly compromised by eliminating lead in solder that both the Aviation and Medical industries were granted exemptions from enforcement at first!!!

I was an ARCAM Authorized Service Center back then and we had the best service billable year EVER in the history of my employer thanks to RoHS and all the piss poor manufacturing that was coming in the door from both Pro and Consumer electronics brand regardless of country of origin.

ARCAM is and always was, truly committed to good sound and it was unfortunate that RoHS nearly killed them. I love my ARCAM DV88 dvd player for its sonics, it's still the best CD player I have ever owned

In Tennis vernacular, "Point, Set and Match" awarded to Mcintech for his post.

W/o prejudice to the build quality gremlins discussed, sonically the ARCAMs, have been and continue to be, among the very best of all the AVR alternatives.

FWIW, I had the very top CAMBRIDGE AVR which rivalled all but the very top unit of the ARCAM line. Like the ARCAM it is also fine, fine kit that also beats 99% of all comers; but it also had a similar MB solder problem that was fixed under warranty.

That is why the 3 years warranty for CAMBRIDGE and -- even better yet -- the 5 years warranty for ARCAM are so valuable and desirable.

Contrast these with the limited warranties available on most of the Asian products.

PS: the ARCAM Blu-Ray is robust and beats everything else out there for HT including the high quality kit offerings from OPPO and my old CAMBRIDGE (latter two clones of each other). ARCAM can and does make good products.