Revel Salon 3?

Anyone heard if something is on the cards? Thinking of getting the Salon 2s but just want to make sure 3s are not already on the horizon.
They should have something in the next year or two I would think as the 2's have been around since 2008. Hoping the 3's will drive the price of the 2's down to where I can afford them as they are incredible speakers, my favorite all rounders that have always sounded great in the 5 or 6 separate systems I've heard them in.
My Revel Studio2 speakers are so outstanding, I can't think of any improvements. This was one of the single best purchases I've made of all time. They are not picky with amp selection but the better the amp the better the performance. They are incredible speakers. If there ever is a new speaker, I would buy it in a heartbeat, no audition necessary. Kevin Voecks is a genius.
A different industrial design would be welcome. The current Studio and Salon are non-starters in my home. And I say that as someone who would be okay with one of the Vivids, or the newer Thiels.
"They should have something in the next year or two I would think as the 2's have been around since 2008."

There was about a ten-year gap between the first Salon in 1998 and the 2 in 2008. They remain reference gear for quite a few reviewers, so until that changes I don't know if Voecks and his team have much incentive to rush something else to market.

And +1 ditto co-sign on what Joe said, in terms of how I view my Salon 2s. They do it all, and they do it all pretty damn well. Extension, weight, detail, dynamics, soundstage, tonal balance, timbral accuracy - you name the attribute and they have it. I'm not sure where I'd have to go to find a substantial upgrade, but I would guess that it would come at a substantial premium.

For the life of me I can't figure out why the Salon 2 does not get more prays around here. Their sound was without flaw to me. Natural through and through. It wiped the floor with common speakers (thiel, b&w) and hung right there with many super speakers.

I would also like to see their looks change. They look like home theater speakers... Boring. I like the looks of the thiel 3.7, Kef 207/2 and blades. I would buy speakers in crazy colors too. There is no way to hide a 5' moster you might as well make it a focal point.