Why is Dynaudio so much cheaper in Europe?

I've been looking at some store sites for European Hi-Fi stores, and I'm finding that even after shipping, and duties, I would be saving a few thousand dollars on anything in the Dynaudio line. In fact, with the Dynaudio 380's I'm interested it, I would be saving about $3,000, which is huge. My question is two-fold: 1. Why are they so much cheaper in Europe? 2. Is there anything to beware of when purchasing speakers from the EU and having them shipped to the US?
I bought some Avantgarde speakers years ago directly from Europe. There was an Audiogon seller who could get them and he had great feedback. I saved 4000 from what my friend who dealt them was able to get them for. They were like 1/2 price from US retail. The way it seems to me is there is a US distributor who has to make a cut and then the dealers also so maybe they are able to go directly from Dynaudio in Denmark to the Euro dealers. Wouldn't it be great if the Euro dollar was weak like it used to be? You could save even more. They are going to be shipped to the US one way or another seems safer to right to you than to the dealer then to you.
One, they are made in Europe.
Two, Europeans are well aware that the audiopile market in the USA is composed largely of suckers.
Keep in mind that aside from strength of the dollar and the costs associated with importing large speakers, the people in Europe will pay a pretty steep VAT which is significantly higher then sales tax in the States.