$10-15k speaker - Revel Salon2 / Usher BE-20


I want to build a 2-channel stereo setup with speakers that works with all kind of music. I cant stand overly analytical speakers with hot treble. I don´t want listeners fatigue, I know it´s very personal so it´s a tough question.

I Heard a lot of bad things about the Usher on here, that they use cheap parts (Beryllium) etc. but maybe I´ll get the chance to hear them with the DMD.

For amplifiers I´ve been looking at the Pass Labs mono blocks x600.5.

I listen to a lot of Electronic music, so the speaker should be able to deliever powerfull Deep bass and be "fast and Clean".
The Revels are great speakers, but I'd think they may be a little analytical given your tastes. Maybe the Ushers a little less so. The first speaker that came to mind given your criteria is the Acoustic Zen Crescendo. Vandersteen 5 would be a good choice as well. They don't come up very often, but if you find a used pair of Joseph Audio Pearls they'd probably be an outstanding choice. Best of luck.
Zu Def4s have awesome, deep bass, are never fatiguing, and favor tone rather than analytical detail. They are in your price range. However, my experience is that an in-home audition is a must when spending this amount of money.
I would give JBL array speaker line a listen, they certainly have the attributes you are looking for with sound!
I would also recommend the Joseph Audio perspectives. I love them. No listener fatigue, deep bass, and spooky imaging.
