Which Harbeth Speakers

After a long search, I have decided to buy Harbeth speakers as well as the Luxman 505u and a Luxman dac or cd player. My room is about 12'by 20' wih 81/2 foot ceilings. The speakers will be on the long wall -- I will be sitting about 10 feet from the speakers. I listen to a lot of jazz, Miles Davis, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, classic Blue Note recordings, Brazilian, e.g. Ivan Lins, vocals Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone, Mel Torme, R&/b and Motown and African Music.
Any thoughts about which of the Harbeth C 7, m30.1 or shl5s would work best would be appreciated. Thanks to all who respond.
My room is 12X16.. Running M30.. I find the bass just adequate.. Not enough reach down low but that's to be expected..

Opinion seems to be all over the map from the 3 to the 5 to the 30..

I would definitely look at the 5 in your room size..
That's probably true, but it doesn't mean you'll like them better. As I said above, the SHL5s sound bigger and are somewhat more forgiving. So many people around here are worried about "detail" and then end up whining that their systems are too forward or harsh. Keep in mind that we're talking degrees here. The SHL5s are perhaps only slightly less "precise" than the 30's and offer a bit more warmth, IMO. I've owned both, BTW. Anyway, they're all great speakers and it's your money. But they are expensive, so it's best to be honest with oneself. If you don't have the best components, or you really know you would prefer the bit of extra warmth, you know what to do. Obviously, the best way would be to try them both in your room, but that's not always possible. Best of luck.
I'm using Harbeth P3ES-02s in a relatively small room. About 12' by 12', and in an apartment. They sound fantastic and my Quad 909 brings out some good bass from them, although that is their week point (they don't go low enough, but in an apartment you don't want to disturb your neighbors too much!)
I want to give a Shout Out to an audio repair shop in Calgary where you can find Excellent service and quality workmanship

About 15 days ago I had a power spike in my amplifier and I blew a mid/bass driver in one of my Harbeth P3ES-02 monitors.

I looked up Darrell Britton-Luthier and last weekend and I took the damaged speaker to his "The Guitar Shoppe". He had the speaker repaired within a couple of hours. I've been listening to it all week and it is as new! The cost of repair was about 6 times less than ordering a new driver from Harbeth, And he gave very personable and super fast service! I thought this speaker was destroyed judging by the sound of it, however with Darrell's service it sounds identical to the other original, unrepaired Harbeth! Kudos to The Guitar Shoppe!

I've only had these speakers for a few months and they are literally the finest sounding speakers that I have ever owned, and I have had Quad 57s, Dahlquist DQ-10s, KEF Reference Series 105.2s, Mission 700 series and few others I can't remember. The Quad 57s had better midrange, but I don't think there is a speaker that has been made that can match that. These are the smallest speakers Harbeth makes; my next upgrade will be to the Harbeth Monitor 30.1s.

Anyways, Kudos to Darrell and The Guitar Shoppe for fixing my babies!!!!

If your in Calgary and need anything from a guitar to a soundboard repaired, contact darrellsguitars@outlook.com.

I am so happy with his service and the price of repair that I had to share this!



Quad 909, Audio Research SP9, Rega Planar 3 (upgraded to Rega P7 specs), Harbeth P3ES-02.
I own the Luxman 505u and Harbeth 30.1 and the P3's. And I love listening to jazz and Blue Note especially. If you have any questions I'd gladly response! The 30.1 and P3's are very different from each other in my opinion. The smaller speaker is much punchier and clear in the bass. The bigger speaker on the other hand has a very nice warm fuller sound with super smoth highs and extremely natural mids. I like both speaker and can't decide which I like better, but the 30.1's are the ones I have connected most often. I would say the P3's are very allround and the bass is deep enough for me at least.