Best Speakers You Have Ever Heard In Your Home

There is a post the question " The best speaker you have heard?" I wonder how many of you have owned that elusive " best speaker I have ever heard.
This is L. R. Staples, former Director of Marketing for THIEL Audio, and founder of LSA Group.
I'm wondering if there's any interest in bookshelf speakers these days.
With the flagging of audio product in high end audio, it seems that speakers are not well received.
I have a bookshelf speaker, ready to market, that's small, yet amazing. It's about 11% larger than my LSA 1's which are currently sold internationally, and better n some ways than the LSA 2's.
Just let me know if there is any interest. I'll email privately or plublicly.
Larry Staples, Founder, LSA Group.
Morduant Short Performance 6's still sound fabulous and they have not gotten due credit in the USA probably because the company makes many midfi speakers which are also excellent buys in their respective price ranges.
For most people, it is likely to be there current speakers. If you are making changes, hopefully it is for the better. I have chosen speakers carefully and all the ones I have had, have been good buys and I have enjoyed them.

Yes, my current speakers are the best by a good margin, they are Daedalus Audio DA-RMAs. I have had them for 4 years and can honestly say, they are my last speakers, though I hope to have the latest wiring upgrade, retro fitted some time