Magico S5 vs Wilson Alexia

After all said and done, I'm down to these two speakers. Looking for thoughts from those who have heard both and why you would choose one over the other.

My room is 14 feet 6 inches by 25 feet.

My gear is still pretty much TBD based on speaker selection.

I listen to mostly jazz, some rock, etc.

These are 2 entirely different speakers. they are both outstanding in their own right. You should pay to travel to hear them if necessary. I prefer the Alexia as they have more (but still realistic) bass and do a better disappearing act. They simply draw me more into the music. I find Magico to be somewhat clinical. But that's just me. Others will say precisely the opposite and they would not be wrong.
I am not a fan of either I am afraid, but I have heard the Alexia's sound wonderful in one system. I agree that the Magico's sound dry and clinical to me and that is with a variety of amps and ancillaries, including the most expensive system I have heard, with Dartzeel monoblocks. I just did'nt like the sound at all and others in the long demo, did'nt seem to keen either.

Wilson I find, realy need the right partnering amps. I heard the Sashas with a big Krell and it was painful, edgy, dry, screeching treble. Change to an Audio Research Ref 150 and it was just lovely. I believe the Wilson's are traditionally voiced with ARC amps. At the same show there were a pair of Alexia's than Dan D'Agostino's pre and momentum monoblocks. I can not recall ever hearing anything better, detailed, enormous, but scaled sound stage, no harshness at all, just wonderful.

For me, I would'nt spend that kind of cash, as HiFimaniac says, though I would go for Daedalus Ulysses
Yes, I agree Magico to me is also clinical. I'm not that much of a fan for Wilson either, but I would pick it over Magico.
Both speakers are "top grade" and both seem to have specific strengths and shortcomings, especially when considering the high cost involved vs long term satisfaction. So it remains to know why you chose these two manufacturers
instead of others that generally cost less to acquire. I can personally vouch for Sonus Faber, Von Schweikert, Eggleston, Joseph Audio, Aerial Acoustics, etc.
Evolution Acoustics are very musical as well from the comments many other listeners have made.
I haven't heard Magico's, but Wilsons require optimal acoustics and set-up
to perform at their best level. If you can find a used pair of Alexandrias they are really amazing, and i have only heard the 1st iteration of them.