Recapturing the JBL L100 Century

Back in the day, teenager in the '70s, the speaker I really wanted but couldn't hope to afford was the JBL L100 Century. Is there a modern day speaker that captures what the JBL did? It would be fun to assemble a modern/retro system that did what say a Dual 1229 or Thorens table, Marantz receiver, and the JBLs did. It sure was a fun speaker to listen to.

Another option is those Fs have trade in value up to $4K or 25% of cost of new speakers with OHM as long as cabinets are in decent shape. My F5s used refurbished OHM F cabinets from OHM.

Shipping cost to OHM in Brooklyn would be the main expense.

You could probably work a very favorable deal to trade in for very minimal cost towards refurbed C2s or Hs, or even a DIF upgrade to the newer OHM Walshes to save shipping, if of interest. An upgrade to F5000 would give you something similar to the F5s I use, but mine are last generation drivers, not current.
I've spoken to Dale Harder, and while I think he offers the best solution, it's very costly. Not really interested in a current ohm because they don't use a true Walsh driver. There are options other than Dale Harder, and eventually I'll do it.
"Not really interested in a current ohm because they don't use a true Walsh driver. "

Not exactly.

The main driver does operate "walsh style" with wave bending a part of that but only up to 7khz, which covers most of what one hears in music, save the highest frequencies, which contribute to things like "air", etc.

Specs on the Fs indicate that original walsh driver goes to 16khz, not quite full range by modern standards, but practically all anyone with older ears will ever hear.

I think Dale Harder's newer drivers may go up well beyond 16Khz as I recall but not certain.

Original Fs, newer OHM Walsh, Dale's Walsh drivers are three different beasts, with Dales and originals being most similar.

One might choose any of these three for similar but clearly not the same reasons.
I was fortunate back in the 70s, had a decent job. This allowed me to buy a pair of brand new JBL L-65 Jubals, MUCH better speakers than the L-100s. I drove those with a Marantz 2270 receiver and had a Dual 1249 turntable with a Shure V-15 Type IV cartridge.
Bet you got laid a lot, Rlwainwright.