Your Preference: Resolution or Fullness?

Just saw this mentioned over at another forum and thought it'd be good to hear your thoughts. Do you place a bigger importance on a speaker's resolution or its overall fullness of sound? This can apply to any type of speaker model, whether it bookshelf/tower, etc.
Fullness is a must. Without it I cannot even listen and will quickly turn off the stereo. If resolution lacks, well it is still listenable and good background music. If thin sounding and bright I can't even listen as background music.
While the majority of posters claim to favor fullness over resolution (for the most part)then why are there so many complaints of harsh systems and posts about how to tame a bright or forward sound? Unfortunately, people are seduced by systems that are highly resolving (in the negative sense)in that they can "hear things they haven't heard before in the recording" and end up with a system that eventually sounds too annoying.

As in relationships with people, as one matures they (hopefully) learn that everyone and everything has faults and you have to know the faults you can live with and those you can't.
I think we all know that the question is simplistically worded and that most audiophiles seek, or claim to seek, a balance between resolution and fullness. The point I was trying to make is that so many people claim to value fullness, but when purchasing time comes, they purchase components based on perceived resolution.

But, not to avoid the question, badly-worded as it may be, I would have to say yes, between the evils of (excessive) fullness and (annoying) resolution, I would choose fullness.
I'd say we're hearing from those people who don't favor the ultra detail/resolution sound and for the very same reasons you've stated. Many listeners do seem to pursue the hyper detail approach but just haven't posted here (yet). The pro fullness camp has shown up.