Thinking about Sonus Faber Stradivari ....

I am thinking about Sonus Faber Stradivari. This was one of only 2 speakers that gave me goose bumps. Do we have any current owners of the Stradivari? Any opinions on these? These speakers appeal my heart not my head. Thoughts?
I've also recently come into the Sonus Faber camp, having purchased Cremona M's earlier this year. These are speakers that really appeal to you on an emotional level. You can point to things that other speakers do better, like deeper bass or more "air" on the top end, but at the end of the day, the Sonus Faber's put the whole package together in a way that is just so musical. The only problem I have is I can't bring myself to turn off my system when it's time to end my listening session. :-)
Thank you Jake. It's probably just a matter of time before I get the Strads. There are a few others I need to hear before I make up or should I say change my mind.
One of my friends has the Strad and over the last few years I've heard them powered with Nagra VPA tube amps, ARC REF250 mono amps and Air Tight tube mono amps.

Personally I liked the Nagra/Strad pairing,but maybe because I heard that combination the most or perhaps hearing them both for the first time created a first impression that is hard to beat.

I've never heard the Strads powered by solid state amps,but I am sure that the laid back sound of the Strads would make them an ideal speaker for most any quality SS amp.

My friend doesn't have a large room, the speakers are on a sprung second floor, no concrete basement and only curtains to damp the sound.
All other components are upper high end as would be expected, which includes top flight vinyl and digital sources.

Besides always sounding very smooth, the Strads are great eye candy.

I am a Stat man, but if I ever had the dollars and wanted to go back to cones, the Strads would be at or near the top.
They are the best cones I've heard,but I haven't heard any of the top contenders in the last 5 years.
Thank you Lacee. I have a few pairs of speakers that I am looking at and the Strads are one of them.