Amp Recommendations for AZ Crescendo

I have a pair of Crescendos on their way to me and am seeking recommendations for a synergistic tube amp, especially for a larger room (18x30). I have a Modwright KWA 150SE, so am set with SS. Thanks.
All, thanks again for the advice. I think I may be able to obtain a pretty good deal on a used Wyetech Labs 211A. It's and 18 watt SET. Any thoughts on whether this would be compatible with the Crescendos?
The Wyetech Topaz 211 SET amplifier has earned quite a high reputation over the years. I've never heard it but I think it's definitely worth a listen. This match has the potential to be excellent.
I heard the Purity Audio 300B amp and Statement Preamp on the Crescendo and it was a fantastic setup! Big, warm, full and rich but still had nuance, terrific!
No surprise with the Purity Audio components, Bill Baker knows what he's doing.
Wow another wonderful experience listening to the Crescendos. Steve the owner of Sounds Of Silence also explained what a gentleman Mr. Robert Lee is and how Mr. Lee make a bad situation right. This isn’t the place to go into details but if you call Steve he will gladly share. (It has nothing to do with AZ products).