Vandersteen 5A or Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage

I am trying to decide between the Vandersteen 5A and the SF Stradivari. I have been into this CRAZY hobby for about 25 years and have owned speakers such as the Revel Studio V1, SF Cremona M and currently own Magnepan 3.7s with Vandersteen 2WQ subs. I listen to a variety of music, but mostly Rock and Pop music. I love a warmer sound to handle the poorly recorded Rock and I enjoy being able to listen fairly loud at times. Of the above I have owned, the SF Cremona were the best all rounders. The maggies although very good bloat at higher volumes. I should mention I use Levinson Mono blocks and Bryston processor. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
"Calling Johhnny R, god why bother with all of this? Johnny's a real nice guy but he's got better things to do with his time then help you with all this."

Why not let Johnny R decide what he wants to do with his time?
Zd542 I hope you really did not miss my point. See Rcprince's comment. I was posting a funny I think (hope).
Troyseaward, Just follow what Johnny Rutan from Audio Connection suggests and you will be very happy with your Vandersteen 5As. John is a good guy and he knows his Vandersteens!
Let us know how it works out for you.
I am very concerned over the plopping/distorted sound coming from the subwoofers with certain music, especially punchy music. I am actually very surprised that a speaker costing this much, with supposedly fantastic bass does this. What in the world do I have done? OR is this normal for the 5A?

Note: the music does not have to be very loud for this bloating sound; maybe 75-80db with techno/dance type music.

Please enlighten me here. I beg you