Help me find WARM speakers a la Sonus Faber

Sonus Faber Olympica III's are my dream speakers. I love how they sound, but they are out of my price range. I need to stay at 10 or under. Can you guys recommend some alternatives. A local dealer recommended Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand, but they are not available for demo unfortunately. Thank you in advance.
I am using a MC275 and c2300 with sota sapphire (grade reference series sonata cartridge). My listening room is very big.
This is why I love this site…great responses. I could go with the Cremona's or Cremona M's for approx. half the price of the Olympicas; that is tempting. And if I don't like them, I could sell them without taking a huge hit. But, the Olympica's, in my opinion, are much better looking speakers. Also, I am tempted to go with the Beethoven concert grands, which are also beautiful speakers and are less than half the cost of the Olympicas. Still, it is hard to pull the trigger on something so expensive without auditioning. I heard the smaller Vienna Accoustics, and I was not blown away (I was blown away when I heard the Olympica's).
Tls49: i missed your post before I responded. I am pursuing the second, more narrow option. I do not want to replace my MC275, which is almost new. And, I should say that when I heard the Olympica's, they were being played on a MC275. In fact, I was at a store looking for a preamp, when I heard them being played and I heard them from around the corner and I was instantly in love. I just loved that sound…I felt like I was swimming in the music.

Elegal, that's great! If you have heard the Olympica/MC275 combo and it works well, then I agree with Chayro, find a way to just make it happen. It doesn't sound like you will ever stop thinking about or wanting them. Good Luck!!
I enjoyed the SF The Toy, model. Very warm sound especially w/ tubed gear. Keep us posted...
I have the VA Beethoven Baby Grands. VAs are v similar to SF - v musical, but I find the (older) SFs too veiled. I have not heard the Olympicas, but have heard the Venere 2.5. The 2.5s are rather coloured & sound different from the prev generation SF models. If you like the SF sound try: VA, Vandersteens, Harbeth, Fritz Carbon 7. Warning: VAs are rather diff to drive - I have tried them with 4 diff amps & the choice of amp will make an HUGE difference. I was shocked how much different SS amps can sound when paired with VAs. For VA, you will need a relatively high-powered, SS, amp that leans towards the clinical side.