B&W 805D alternatives

I've got the upgrade bug and want to get a new pair of speakers. I currently have a pair of 805D's with the following: McIntosh MC275, VTL 2.5 preamp, Moon .5 CD player, Concept Turntable with Moon phono stage, all cables and interconnects are Nordost. I have the opportunity to home audition a pair of Sonus-Faber Olympica I.
I would like some suggestions on what would be a good upgrade. I would sell my speakers and put $2000 towards the new pair.
I agree with your decision to upgrade. Getting rid of B&W speakers is always a good thing. But you have to have at least some idea where you need to go. Can you give more info as to what type of sound you like?
Mid line used Verity. Used Magico if you can scoop them up. Might need more power on low grade magico. Devore Fidelity is nice. Dynaudio. Hard to tell based on your input but this is the way I would look. So much variation in just these three.
There has been a pair of magico v2 for sale under 8k for months on here.

If you want to stick with small monitors I would look into Vivid v1.5. This review compares them to the Olympica.

"Getting rid of B&W speakers is always a good thing."

Not always true. I replaced the Vandersteen 3A sig with the 805Di and a pair of subwoofers and I'm a happy camper now.