Need to Downsize: Small Speaker Recommendation

Hi all,

I've had the Thiel 6's for many years and love them but moving to a much smaller space and they are just too big Have them paired with the Sonic Frontier 3 monoblocks and a Conrad Johsnson tube pre-amp. I've traded up in the Thiel line over 30 years so really love their sound (could do with a bit more bottom end but love the sound overall so i have stuck with them). So, looking for recommendations for small (even bookshelf) speakers. I realize i may have to get rid of the amps as well but for now want to start by identifying a pair of speakers i can live with.

Thanks in advance for any and all recommendations.
I must first say that I have for sale a pair of Triangle Celius here on Audiogon. BUT, they are the least expensive speakers to my knowledge that received Class A rating. The more you through at them, the better they sound. Major bang for the buck. Small footprint too. Joe
Agree with SF Cremona Auditor M.
Also listen to some ATC. 12sl for sale here at $850; larger models are better but much more expensive.
SF Extremas second hand are a possibility. I think 2nd hand you might find a pair within your budget.
Okay, since everyone is recommending what they like or have, I'll dive in and +1
Rello's recommendation of the Reference 3A De Capo. Extremely coherent, great imagers, good bass for a stand mount and they are very easy to drive.
I can say I've listened to many very good monitors and I've settled on the Green Mountain Audio Callistos and have not had the urge to change speakers since. I'm sure the newer Green Mountain monitors are even better.

I use them in a smaller room about 15 x 13.
I run them with a 30 watt per channel hybrid Pathos amp and it powers them very easily as the Green mountains are very efficient.
They are very fast detailed and have excellent depth and voice reproduction.