Stereo Times Review of the Apogee Acoustics Diva

Hi folks, I found this excellent review of the Apogee Diva by Christiaan Punter for Stereotimes. Christian compares new and refurbed Duettas & also provides pics of the crossovers as well as setup advice. Highly recommended if you're an Apogee fan!
Dave, be sure to update your system thread when you upgrade your amps! I agree with your philosophy of reducing your box count, having a simple system & focusing on quality and function. Cheers.
Hi Melbguy1, It's always exciting to have aspirations for newer/better gear 'someday' as most of us have been doing that for more years than they want to admit (myself for sure).
It also keeps the audio magazines and of course the equipment manufacturers themselves in business. Like any hobby, part of the fun is seeing what new(er) piece might just take us that much closer to [dare I say it?] "The Absolute Sound" (chuckle here...).
Maybe, the argument could be made, that when one finally stumbles upon a piece or pieces of equipment that truly 'crosses over the line' for you such that your system FINALLY sounds so satisfying to you (the OWNER of said system), you can truly call it a 'keeper''re 'done looking' for another version of whatever that component does...the synergy is's all finally "clicking together"...and your climbing off the merry-go-round (pardon all the cliches done for emphasis purposes!)...Then when you sink into your sweet spot chair it WAS all worth the fuss and muss and time and $$$$$.$$$$.$$$$$....?!?!
I have found that with both my TRL electronice (pre-amp and amps) as well as TSW Apogees (the model that fits my dedicated room best (Duetta Ultimates). As I eluded to... these are both that 'end of the road" discoveries and I can only wish the same revelations to you and everyone else reading this. It's really cool!
With that said then I'd like to assure you that TRL gear doesn't match the description of a "Great sound for the money..." "Not established" and "Poor resale value"...
In reality TRL has been building some of the finest audio equipment on the planet...built to literally last a lifetime and as such demands considerable respect and product value in the used marketplace.
I believe his top two monoblocs will set you back over $80K and well over $100+K per pair, depending on your power requirements...IF you could get on the order line....
Thanks, I just wanted to clarify that.
Good luck and happy Lissn'n!
@Lissnr, i'm still following an upgrade path to finish my current system, though it's all pretty well mapped out & i'm really content. As my Audio Engineer told me "It's hard to imagine any audiophile not being happy with a system of that caliber".

As nice as tube amps are, I don't find them practical with my combined 2 channel audio & home theater needs, but I still want a warm, tube-like sound. Vitus ticks every box such that if I change systems in the future, i'd more than likely move up the Vitus line :) It's hard to believe there is not a tube in that gear.

Sorry I didn't mean to diss TRL gear. My last 2 cd players & line stage have been tubed, so I appreciate what tubes do. But i've kind of been there and done that with tubes.
Grant - it's quite funny hearing you talk about finding a "keeper". The only "keeper" I saw in your listening room over the last several years was your listening chair.


Onward and Upward (hopefully).