Help finding a Mid-Sub

Not posting this because I'm too lazy to research, But I can't seem to find much in the line of a fair quality "Mid-Subwoofer." What I'm speaking of would not be a Subwoofer for home theater, but rather a separate Mid unit that will produce a very clean, tight, powerful and fast punch in the chest with music only. "Specifically Hard rock."

I have a good Subwoofer now for my home system and it provides those very low tones well, although it does not and can not thump a shot gun Mid blast in your chest. Something very tight and with zero reverberation is what I need, but so hard to find.

If anyone has any low to high dollar ideas either used or new I could use a starting point. Thanks.
So is your goal, Replace the midbass in your home theater speakers or build new front mains for your home theater?

If it doesn't get too boomy, you might try raising the crossover point on your sub woofer... try around 125 to 150hz.
Get a Ken Kresiel DXD12012 as a single or get two and stack in what's called a duo configuration. I read your post and it fits the bill perfectly and then some.
How can anyone answer his question with such incomplete information?
ZD542 I'm with you????
Give Rythmik Audio a try, I have a pair of f15hp`s, these are very fast, tight and low, at $1250 each they are an excellent deal. The amount of `pressure` they put into the room is hard to explain, but when they are doing what they are intended to do `WOW`