Has Anyone Found Shunyata Cables Sounding Thin?

I have noticed this with the introduction of some of Shunyata's latest offerings into my system. They are great cables but they need help in my system. I run cables in series to solve the problem and the results are stunning -- while going against audio principles and accepted audio "wisdom".

Every element in a system imparts tone -- components, cables, accessories. I have no idea why there is special emphasis placed on cables in this regard. Perhaps because they are easier to add and subtract in a system which leaves them more vulnerable to the accusation of being agents for tone control. True, some people may focus on tone when looking for cables for their system. But for me, cables are just another element in the system. They contribute to tone, but also to detail, sound stage and imaging and all the other sonic parameters.
Hey, wait'll get a load of Lizzie's proclivity towards linking preamps in series. Which would dictate also linking interconnects serially I'm pretty sure.
Cerrot wrote,

"Mathematically and physically, its an impossibility that the cables in series would not compromise the transfer of signal through that nonsensical configuration."

Can you provide a link to the mathematics for this?


"I know I have not heard your system but if you tell me you put water in your engine instead of gas, I would not need to hear your car to know what you have."

If you Google water-powered engines you will discover some amazing things.

Congratulations. Glad to hear you have everything figured out. By the way, here's a hypothetical situation. Your best audiophile friend invites you over. He's been doing some odd experiments, much to your surprise. He tells you he's running a cable or 2 in series and would like you to have a listen. Your response:

1. You're not interested in hearing this crap. You already know it's a crock of BS.
2. OK, why not, power up and let's give it a go.

Would you choose #1 or #2?
I second what Cerrot is saying. It may sound good, but its not. Its analogous to what the best designers of audio components do: they listen AND they measure. They stay away from things that don't make sense, regardless of how they may sound.