Upsampling DACs

What are some of the better high end upsampling DACs out there today? And are any of these upgradable. Thanks.
Hi Chayro, I actually am gonna upgrade to more expensive and better sounding units than the Bryston stuff. I've been saving up for the last 2-3 years to do so. Yes, the Onkyo is fine, but I would like to upgrade the digital side of my system so it sounds more what I hear from analog, if that makes sense. Not that I'll say it will sound exactly alike. I know better than that! Anyway, I've heard what upsampling can do, and I'm a fan of it more or less...
I asked this in the other thread, and I didn't get answer, so here goes: What do you guys think of the TEAC UD-501 DSD DAC? Sound, reliability (it is made in China,) and build quality.
Dave, I can't comment on the sound of the Teac dac you mentioned, but to be honest, Teac are not in the same league as Vitus. Not saying Vitus is the only brand you should consider, and others I am sure will chime in. But from my experience they are doing it better than anyone else if bang for the buck & musicality matter.

Hand on heart if you're looking to buy new, I would recommend reading up on the Vitus RCD-101 if you want to improve the digital side of your system. The RCD-101 is a true balanced sacd player which has had an extensive rework to add SACD and DSD compared to the previous model, including a new heavily modified Sony SACD drive, a better power supply and better dac section which uses the same modular architecture as the Signature Series SCD-010! According to Lotushifi, the RCD-101 sounds better than the SCD-010 (which i've heard & sounds amazing). VA gear is hand-made in Denmark using some of the most sophisticated engineering i've ever seen.

Waxing lyrical perhaps, but i'm just a happy end user and have no ties/connections to VA. Good luck with your auditions!
Hi Melbguy1, yeah I would have guessed that the Vitus is better than the little Teac.

However, the general consensus is the Teac is amazing for the money ($850 USD) You can get it direct from Teac via their online store, if you wish. The store has a 30 day money back guarantee for whatever reason, I believe.

Ok, no problem, I'll check the Vitus out sooner than later.

Thanks, I appreciate that. :D
Obviously it depends entirely on your budget. Below the price point of Vitus, the Aesthetix Romulus Signature is a very good value player imho, as is the Modwright Sony XA-5400ES at its price point. Happy auditioning!