Audio Desk Systeme Record Cleaner

I am an Audio Desk owner. Here is my story:

Issue #1
I purchased the machine from "The Cable Company" about a year ago. My unit was DOA. The red button to activate the cleaning cycle was inoperable. I requested a replacement model to be shipped since they had my credit card info, and I'd send back the defective unit. I was told no replacement could be sent, and that I had to return the unit for service. OK...I sent it back. They replaced the switch.

Issue #2
Every record I cleaned required manual wiping to remove numerous water drops. I tried everything I could think of, I even took the fan covers off to see if that would allow more air volume. No dice. I once again requested a replacement, and again was told that I had to send it back for repair. After a couple of week, they told me that they had fixed it, and it working as like new. When I received it back, they had placed some of those plastic ties, the ones you use to tie off garbage bags, behind the wipers or "lips" to increase contact. I was told that everything was operating as it should. Their remedy had no effect on the drying, I still had to wipe every record.

Issue #3
I once again complained about the non-drying of the unit and once again requested a replacement unit and was told I had to ship it back as they now had a factory authorized remedy. I sent it back and the fix actually seemed to work.

Issue #4
After receiving the unit back from the factory drying fix, I cleaned about 100 LPs, and then the wheels that grip the record and the brush barrels refused to let go at the end of the cycle. Even after numerous attempts to reset the machine, they would not release. I once again requested a replacement. Their response: I could return it again for service or they would "allow" me a trade in value of $2000 for my LEMON unit towards a new "improved" one.

OK...I guess I was desperate because when this thing works it is wonderful, and I was tired of messing with an obviously defective machine. Although I was angry that I couldn't get a replacement under warranty, I ponied up another $2000 for a "new and improved" one. Now I wish I had just sent to old one back for more repair.

The new one worked water spotting and records clean as you can imagine.

Issue #5
After cleaning about 20 LPs, the records wouldn't rotate. I found that the rubber wheel that grips the LP and at the same time drives the cleaning brushes was spinning on its shaft. Now after only two days of use, the new one has to be sent back for repairs.

So now I have $6000 invested in a $4000 machine (I still think the machine should have been replaced under warranty), and it is once again on its way back across the country for more repair.

I contacted Ultrasystem (the US importer) today, and they apologized for my troubles and promised to get this fixed. I'm hoping for the best.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkdbrink
I have several friends with ADS. Certainly it cannot be beat as far as convenience and ability to clean LP. However, I also did find that sound quality can also be improved further by the like of Hannl machine after cleaning with ADS initially. I hope it has more to do with Hannl cleaning fluid rather machine itself.
The only reason I did not get one was because of the 5 units purchased by friends over the past 18 months, 2 had to be sent back to Germany within 2 months. It felt a bit too much like a gambling, if you get a unit that works perfectly, that's fine but the risk of getting a problematic one is a bit too high for me. Personally I already placed an order for KLaudio unit and hope that it will turn out to be less problematic than ADS.
I have had mine for 4 months. cleaned many records. No operation problems. This machine is far superior to any that I have used (VPI mainly). I am hearing much blacker backgrounds and it is like a veneer has been lifted off the music.
I wrestled a 3 day loan of one from Robert at Ultra Systems for RMAF and was cleaning records nonstop at the display table for the show. Cleaned 165 records over the three day period without any issues. I simply changed the fluid after the second package of 50 mofi sleeves finished.

We had a table spinning vinyl through phones and one of the guys from a nearby vendor table brought over a brand new Fleetwood Mac re-issue and asked for me to clean it. We listened to it both pre and post cleaning and both thought we heard an improvement. I asked him if he wanted me to clean the other and to my surprise he said No. Surprised I asked why? He said he was going to take them home tonight and listen to both and then clean the other on his (insert respected cleaner here).

As we were packing things up on Sunday he grabbed me and said that the one I had cleaned sounded better. Too bad the Audio Deske had already been drained.

I had an experience very similar to yours with my first AD machine. I ultimately had to cough up a lot of money for a replacement unit....

The new machine works great. Over 100 records so far and leaves the records very clean except for the occasional water drops around the label. That said, if this one breaks out of warranty I'll just write it off and build my own DIY ultrasonic cleaner.