Telarc 1812 revisited

I've posted several threads about the trackability of this record and have received many scholarly answers, with emphasis on physics, geometry, compliance, weight, angles,price and all sorts of scientific explanations about tonearms, cartridges, VTA, etc, etc. Let's cut to the chase: I have a 1970's Pioneer 540 in the garage I bought for $5 at a thrift store plus an Audio Technica cartridge for which I paid $30 This combo. tracks the Telarc 1812 perfectly without problems while my $4000 Rega and $1200 Project bounce out of the grooves.. I'd really finally like to get some explanation and resolution as to this discrepanccy
Dear Raul,

What on Earth have you been doing ? Is that new TA design of your very own so good that you don´t post anymore ?

You already know that I do care for trackability, for the last 30 years have and will do.
At the highest VTF recommended, my ULTRA tracks 100 um but my AT-ML180/OCC hardly 80 um. The ULTRA performs without issues, especially the midrange is super fluid. The ML180 is also superb but doesn´t quite make the level of the former, namely the mids and highs.
Just a funny irrelevant coincidence ? I don´t think so.

Just curious, does the Entré-1 pass the Telarc test...

Very best regards
The resurrection is complete 3 posts this month!!! I am curious about a post made by J Carr asking Rauliruegas to say what he heard when a cartridge was loaded down too much or too little. This was the answer I was most looking forward to, but sadly it was not forthcoming.....or maybe I missed it in the mire.

Contrary to everything I have read I have found that at 100 Ohm my cartridge sounds thin and lacking in tone and bass, at about 400 Ohm it sounds just right to me, and at 980 Ohm, seems to lose life and lack "air". Am I dreaming? (Tone arm cable 80pF, Atlas). For me tone is most important, sound stage and depth etc. all come a distant second.

BTW it tracks the FIM 1812 (another version?) ! but I don't like listening to it, there are better recordings of the 1812, without the gimmicks:)