input for a Vinyl newbie

Hi all,

I am interested in venturing into the vinyl/analog arena and like to get my feet wet with a start up system. I am thinking of the Jolida JD9 II phono stage and the project rm 1.3 turntable initially and will upgrade later if I really like the new endeavor. Any feedback on this combination or other recommendations in the same price range is greatly appreciated.

The rest of my system consist of Classe Omega preamp, Mark Levingson No.333 Amp, and Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers.

Given your current system, I would start off with something a little better. Even though you are new to vinyl, you are probably not new to audio. With vinyl, a little more money spent with entry level equipment, yields big improvments. Its not like a CD player. A good combo would be something like a VPI Scout with a DV 20 low output cart and a DV-P75 phono preamp. Its not too expensive, but will give you a much better idea if vinyl is something you want to really get into.
I returned to vinyl with a Project 1. something with a pre mounted cartridge. I also purchased a very cheap phono stage pre-amp. I was very disappointed. A friend recommended a Denon DL-160 cartridge. Bad move because that gave me a taste of what was possible. Fast forward 6 years. I've been thru 4 or 5 TT's and countless phono pre-amps. My advise is to spend as much as you can afford on a TT, phono pre amp and Cartridge. My experience is that a cartridge and phono pre-amp are just as or maybe more important that the TT. The Jolida is nice and I have one on a 2nd TT.
Dear Coolsound: I don't know how many LPs alredy own but the Zd542 advise to mate a better analog rig to your system is way valid.
In the past Classe preamps had the alternative to integrate a phono card, I don't know if this is possible with your Omega.

Anyway, you need a better analog rig for really you can have your " feet wet " with a war water instead and icy one. Try a good SS phono stage not a tube one.

In the other side, analog is not a plug&play " item ", you need patience to learn and patience to achieve a good overall set up. Analog is as imperfect as my Russian language ( I'm Mexican and I don't speak Russian. ) for say the least and due to that I can say is the least user friendly audio alternative.

Regards and enjoy the music,