Used turntable market

I have been monitoring the turntable classify on Audiogon and it seems very few actually get sold. Are people afraid of buying used tables? What are the real risks? What are your experiences in buying used turntables and cartridges without actually demoing the unit?

My Sota Star Saphire was purchased used in 1989. Wonderful table. I shipped it to Sota last year for a repair, in the original carton. No problems. 5 years ago, I purchased a used SME 20/2, an even better table. Having 2 tables and thus cartridges simultaneously is great. Recommendation: don't hesitate to buy used if it is a recognized quality table, and only if it will be shipped in it's original packaging.
Bd-really? Go back to digital? Of course, you're right. Let's not help people listen to vinyl. Let's see...I can do it, you're on your own. Great philosophy, survival of the fittest and all that.
Bd according to your philosophy, people that cant fix their transmission should ride donkeys? You come off sounding a bit arrogant and elitist.
In 2009, I bought a used VPI Scout turntable. Since the seller was only 200 miles away on Staten Island, I opted to drive down there on a Saturday to pick it up. I brought my wife along and we had a nice ride and I took her to lunch at a Texas Roadhouse in Connecticut on the way back.

The seller was more than willing to ship the turntable, but I wanted to be sure the turntable wouldn't get broken.
I sold my SME Model 10 in less than two weeks. It was shipped in the original packaging and arrived safely and functions flawlessly according to the buyer. I think much depends on the quality of the table and shipping container. If there is any question, I would drive within five hours to pick it up. Buying turntables used should not be a problem if done with care.