$7K to spend on new turntable + arm

I have VPI Scout 1.0 turntable with a dynavector DV20X2m cartridge. I listen mainly to Jazz so this is my primary focus. What would you recommend as a turntable/tonearm upgrade as I have around $7K to spend. What sort of improvements in sound could I expect from your recommendation?

Note, I had ordered a VPI Classic 3 Rosewood, but for some reason VPI changed contents from what has been positively reviewed (no longer including Valhalla wire in tonearm and no periphery clamp).

That is a tough question. I have found that the phono stage has a great deal to do with the overall sound. Of course the speakers do as well. The Dynavector cartridges to my ears can be a little bright. If you have really transparent speakers it might sound a little bright. Let us know what the rest of your system is and no doubt we can resolve this issue.
I'm very pleased with my Sota Sapphire. Bought it new back in 1984 and had it refurbished by Sota last year. $7K should get you a really, really nice rig going that route. Have fun!
Well Tempered Simplex Turntable..I had a chance listening to this design. I will say there is no reason to spend more for a table that will do less. Money saved buys more classic vinyl its a no brainer.
Upgrading my own Scout is well down the list of priorities, but the Dr.Feickert Woodpecker 2 is one I wouldn't mind auditioning; but no dealers in Toronto so far. I'm especially interested in how the delrin platter sounds. Adjustable tonearm length allows trying/using multiple arms; so I could geek out on that to my heart's content:)
The first thing I would consider is upgrading your cartridge, perhaps a Dynavector XX2 mark II or the Ortofon bronze or black(both reviewed in The Absolute Sound.Then with the 5000.00 or so left over I would shop AudiogoN for the rig of your dreams.I am pretty sure that there is more to be heard with your current table then your present cartridge can deliver.
Just my thoughts....