Brinkmann Bardo and Tri-Planar VII-U armrest issue

Just got a new Brinkmann Bardo. It was a snap to put the Tri-Planar am to the arm board drilled for this arm.

I measured the spindal to pivot distance of 233.5mm with my Feickert Protractor and set up the cartridge with the MintLP.

The issue I have is when I put down the arm, the arm will touch the arm rest and not fall at the beginning of the first track. By touching the arm rest, the arm is bump to several groove from the beginning of the track 1. I did try to fix this issue for the arm rest being too close to the platter by turning the armpod but without success if I want to keep the right S2P distance. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I would appreciate any comment/help.
Then you shouldn't have a problem getting the pivot to spindle right by doing what Atmashphere wrote and rotating your armboard.
the problem with rotating the armboard is that the arm is mounted on an eccentric. i had the same set-up for a while. rotating the armboard changed the P2S distance. i ended up using a P2S of 255 and adjustung the cart forward in the headshell to align at that P2S using the feikhert.
if i had this issue again, i would have a look at what atmasphere said above. i wasn't aware of that screw. as you mentioned, maybe the combination of rotating the arm in it's base and rotating the armboard will maintain the spec'd P2S. i don't fret over the P2S, it's a starting point. as long as you align properly with the baerwald or loefgren scale, that's what the slots in the headshell are there for.
Sheesh you guys! I ran into this problem years ago and realized that it was a setup problem (that article that Fremer wrote BTW is hogwash). Just do as I said- remove the arm (that is 3 screws) flip it over and you will see a single screw in the middle of the mounting flange. Loosen it, determine where the arm rest should be, tighten the screw, then remount the arm.

If you don't know what you are doing it might take 5 minutes. I can do this adjustment in about 2 minutes.

No other adjustment is needed. The Triplanar is the most adjustable arm in the world, but you have to understand that you do indeed have to set it up right to begin with. This screw is part of that setup; IOW if you have a problem with the arm rest being too close to the LP, you don't have it set up right and you have no-one to blame but yourself.