Once again, recuperating from surgery

I am now home and chilling to my vinyl of Waltz for Debbie. Just as relaxing as the anesthesia, with none of the side effects of general.

The doctor gave me percoset to soothe the physical pain (none taken so far). Bill Evans is my Rx to soothe the soul.
I listen to WBGO (mostly) with my MD 106T (MD Signal Sleuth, ST-2 antenna)
WQXR 105.9 Classical.
WKCR Columbia University, sometimes.
I agree with your choice in music!
Does it matter that people we do not know and will never meet think kindly of us in difficult times? I hope it does, and I hope you are, or will soon become, well and happy and that you have people around you who care about you.

"It is not upon you alone the dark patches fall,
The dark threw its patches down on me also."
—Walt Whitman, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

"Does it matter that people we do not know and will never meet think kindly of us in difficult times? I hope it does, and I hope you are, or will soon become, well and happy and that you have people around you who care about you."

It matters- it matters a whole lot in ways I'm not going to go into. What I do know is that trying times reveals character and the lack of character. But I already learned that in 2012 when I had open heart surgery.

Thanks for the kind words-