HE Eliptical

I sent a cart off to andy at the needle clinic to have it re tipped. I was offered the option of a standard elliptical tip or an HE elliptical tip for a little more. Has anyone had this service done who might be able to tell me what the benefits of the HE might be? Is it worth the extra expense?
While I haven't had this service done, I do know a lot about various styli shapes.

The HE, (hyper elliptical) will follow the cutting stylus closer to the actual cut than a standard elliptical stylus. You will need to be more careful on set up, but the HE will sound better.

Thanks! That is exactly what I needed to know. What should I be aware as far as being more careful during setup? Anything more than making sure my alignment and VTF are correct?
Azimuth and VTA/SRA are very important with any of the stylus shapes that more closely match the groove cut, (i.e. Hyper Elliptical, Shibata, Micro Line, Line Contact, etc).
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