SME 20/2 w SME V arm- Cartridge recommendations

Hello all, I just picked up a SME 20/2 with a SME V arm. This table will be replacing a Linn LP12/Cirkus/Ittok/Trampolin/Troika table. I am stepping outside of the box here as I have only ever owned LP-12's over th last 15 years I have been enjoying the hifi experience.

I was hoping that some of you could point me in the right direction in regards to cartridge selection as once again I am only used to hearing Linn cartridges. I run an Aesthetix Rhea as my phono pre so I have a some flexibility. My LP collection consists of all types of music and I don't have one type I favor most.

I know everybody's interpretations of cartridges are subjective to each individual's own hearing but if anybody has some places to start I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your time!
Lol, I should have clarified that after spending what I spent on the SME I can't afford an Atlas, MC Anna or other $7-$10k cartridges. One of these days but for now I am looking more in the $2-$4k range. I have some time to gather suggestions as the table probably won't arrive until a week or so from now.

I have a Benz Micro Glider and mint Tsurugi Ceraloy on hand to play with but I am thinking ahead. My concern is that I know that the Benz stuff is nearly impossible to get now days.

I will look at the cartridges mentioned above. I appreciate all of the input.
In the 2k-4k range US $, I would listen to the Kleos if I was you.

Robert A. Ober
PS: 'Course it's what I have and like the fact that it gets the body of the instrument and the detail.
I owned an SME Model 10 and now the 30/12. I used the Sumiko Celebration and AirTight PC-1 on the 10 and now have a Supreme on the 30/12. I believe the AirTights are designed partially on SME arms as are the Sumiko cartridges. They are an excellent combination and a few reviews discuss the SME V arm with these brands.

People have also had great results with the mid-priced Lyras and the Dynavector XV-1s, though I have not heard those in my system.
I have to endorse the V arm with Benz LPS combination as well. Absolutely stunning sounding combination. The Benz Ruby Z is also a nice match with the V arm.