Wet Cleaning the Stylus

Wet cleaned the stylus of my Ortofon Cadenza for the first time. Purchased it new two years ago and never considered going beyond using a stylus brush. A friend recommended wet cleaning it and WOW, what a difference it made.
If I wet-clean the stylus on a daily basis can I expect to get the same WOW same reaction. What about cleaning the stylus on hourly basis. How about between side A and B:)
Any recommendations on an effective and safe stylus cleaner.
After some initial skepticism, largely born out of klutz-koncern I use the ME for 80% of all stylus cleanings - and to be sure that includes after every side. The other 20% I do with a squared-off sable artist brush.

With the arm locked in its rest, I raise the ME up to the stylus while looking at it through a lighted magnifier. I do not drag or move the ME, finding the contact alone does the job.

Fwiw, I use a 10X loupe mounted on a little stand that sits fixed in position next to where the cartridge lands in its rest. All I do is turn my head and peep through the loupe - the simplicity makes it all the easier to check after each play.

The loupe also acts as the side guide for raising the small cube of ME up to clean the stylus. Keeps it steady and the action methodical. As always, ymmv.
Shoulda included this link.
Just turn the loupe sidewise - perfect for checking a stylus.
NOOOO!!! Don't lock the arm. Let it run free on the cue. By locking it then cleaning it, you're placing too much pressure / VTF on the suspension and cantilever. It would never see that much pressure during play and could be damaged.
What who deed is intersting but deed anyone lost his stylus
because of wet cleaning? Or , to put it otherise, what about
those who lost their stylus (simply fall off from the
cantilver) while never used the wet cleaning method?
To prove eny assumed causal relation the cause and the
effect should be mentioned as individual events such that
one caused the other. Well I can speak only for myself.
I never lost any stylus nor I ever destroyed any cantilever
or stylus in 40 years that I am in this hobby.