Lyrita Catalog

Years ago when I had a very large vinyl collection, I had a lot of recordings by the British label Lyrita, the catalog of which if I recall properly was composed entirely of British artists. There had IMO the most consistently excellent recording quality of anything I have heard to date. Sound staging to die for, sweet extended highs, gobs of detail etc. It was rumored that the owner of the label was a bit of an eccentric and hated the then emerging digital CD with a passion, to the point where he stated that his label would never turn out a CD. I am curious if anyone knows if any of his catalog ever made it on to CD?
I have owned a Lyrita CD- Malcolm Arnold, English, Irish, Scottish, & Cornish Dances- for more than 10 years.
Like the other two contributors above, I own the Malcolm Arnold CD (courtesy of Allegro Imports) as well as a fair number of other Lyritas. I do not know whether any of them are still in print, but they occasionally appear on eBay; and it is possible that some of the UK retailers who offer export service may have Lytita CDs on hand.
Lyrita have indeed produced CDs from early to mid 90s when the company eventually went belly up. However, their CD catalog was a lot shorter than the LP.
Thanks for the information, guess I'll join the group in tracking down used copies
Bioman, like the others, I also have the Arnold CD, which I picked up in 1993, I guess, the last time I was in London. It is not nearly as good as the LP, although it gives a hint of the Lyrita sound. Lyrita indeed did make CDs of a small amount of their catalog, and, if the Arnold disc is any indication, did make some new, digital recordings (the Arnold disc has some newly (then) recorded material) as well. Keep looking for the vinyl, in my opinion.