Any Allnic H1201 owners out there?

I am considering getting one of these three pres, but I haven't heard the Allnic yetm and probably won't be able to given my location.

Allnic H1201, Manely chinook, EAR 834p

I am leaning towards the Allnic simply because it has adjustable gain settings with would be nice to use with one of my old SPUs. Any opinions?
I've heard the EAR and the Allnic, they are both pretty special...both of these companies know how to wind transformers right...
Based on what I have heard, you are leaning in the right direction with the Allnic. This is coming from one source who had the Allnic and EAR.
I can only speak to about the bigger brothers of the Allnic and Manley but I think one could reasonably extrapolate: I owned Steelhead RC for several years and liked it; then I auditioned an Allnic H3000 in my system and thought it in a completely different league. I sold the Steelhead without a second thought.