Any Allnic H1201 owners out there?

I am considering getting one of these three pres, but I haven't heard the Allnic yetm and probably won't be able to given my location.

Allnic H1201, Manely chinook, EAR 834p

I am leaning towards the Allnic simply because it has adjustable gain settings with would be nice to use with one of my old SPUs. Any opinions?
I can only speak to about the bigger brothers of the Allnic and Manley but I think one could reasonably extrapolate: I owned Steelhead RC for several years and liked it; then I auditioned an Allnic H3000 in my system and thought it in a completely different league. I sold the Steelhead without a second thought.
WRM57 and I are dopplegangers~ I also ran a Steelhead for a number of
years and rolled the tubes- found that NOS Teles gave it the most
holographic sound using it through the MM inputs, and bypassing the gain
control into a separate line stage. It was a very good phono stage, but its
chief virtues, aside from build quality and incredible support, was its
flexbility- being able to change settings from the front panel. At the time,
and for the price, it was considered a state of the art piece.
The H 3000 sounds significantly more organic than the Steelhead in my
system and also does a better job of placing the instruments in defined
spaces, not just laterally but front to back. (It also took a couple hundred
hours to burn in).
It has an ease that sounds less 'reproduced.'
Whether these differences are as marked in the entry level models of each
company's products is something I don't know- I haven't heard either the
Chinook or the H 1201. I can tell you that the build quality of the Allnic is
easily on par with the Manley gear, and that I've gotten first rate support in
the States, though the product is manufactured in South Korea.
I don't usually get on these forums to say 'buy what I have' but if you can
extrapolate, as WRM suggests you might, the Allnic would be a winner.
I spent a couple of weeks with the1201 in my system comparing it to my Audio Research PH 5. The Allnic was in a different league, just way more of everything. I decided to go with big brother and bought the H3000 and could not be happier. The 1201 has many of the same characteristics, clarity, openness, and organic feel. It is also quite dynamic. The 3000 just give you a bigger dose, but you get a nice taste with the 1201.

I have never heard a manly in my system
Even tricked out, I wasn't as happy with my EARp as many of the other tube phono preamps I've used. Nice unit but not really in the league of the Allnic. The Chinook was pretty dry sounding in my system. I'd buy the Allnic in a second, although I'd probably look in the used market first before I decided. I think there are always some incredible values in phono preamps available. The other day a Herron VTPH-2 popped up at a good price, which in my opinion is better all around the the 1201. You can even sometimes find a ASR Basis Exclusive with the blue boards for $3000. If you have the space, that unit shames pretty much everything up to the H3000.
Thanks for all the replies, this is pretty much what I was expecting to hear after reading every review I could get my hands on. Just wish I had the extra to spend on the H3000, ha.