Turntable consultation

Hello friends, and thank you for help.

I would like to have your opinion regarding improving the SQ of my turntable. Since I haven't listen to other brands except mine, which is Pro-Ject RPM 9.1 with class A cartridge and Tube Box phono, I know its very good turntable & arm, but is it class A ?

And if I upgrade the tonearm to a better one like 9cc Evo or other models will improve SQ very much and no need spend on higher level turntable ?

Or if I upgrade to higher level turntable like Signature 10, or other brands like VPI Classic 3 . How much improvement will be ?

My main goal is: resolution, musical, neutrality, and no coloration.

I'm trying to understand what best way and is it worth to spend more money.

Thank you
I would agree with Jperry, your Shelter 9000 should benefit from a better phono pre bringing it to a whole new level of resolution and musicality.
I think you can take a couple of paths here. You can do some tweaking like a maple platform, tonearm cable, etc and make some change, also improvement to your system.

You could also take a path with larger steps. You do not say what your budget is, so this path may not work for you.

I think changing to a used SME 10 or Basis turntable would cause a quantum leap in the performance of your system. I changed from a Rega to a Basis tonearm on my Basis turntable with a Shelter 901 cartridge, and the change was a revelation to me. You have an excellent cartridge (Shelter 9000) which IMO is the highest performing component in your analog system.

Good luck in your search for performance.
My budget can go high. I assume the most critical parts for sound in turntables are: Cart, tonearm, and phono preamp. I can improve the resonance and damping by platforms and isolators. If this is the case then this will leave me only to tonearm and preamp.

Any opinion on Ortofon TA-110 and is it better than 9cc Evo ?
Also, Can SME models 309 and IV fit Pro-Ject RPM 9.1 ?

And any better tonearm recommendation will be appreciated.

Thank you.
I am not that familiar with your tonearm and turntable, but I did a little research. From looking at a picture of your turntable, it is not the type where you can have a different mounting board made. The Pro-ject website indicated the following specifications for your tonearm

Headshell 0,5" (12,7mm) standard
Mounting distance 212mm (Linn standard)
Supplied counterweight cartridge weight 6 - 10g
Effective length 9" (230mm)
Effective mass 8,5g
Overhang 18mm

The Pro-ject website says 212 (Linn standard), but when you look up Linn on Vinyl engine it says 211 mm mounting distance.I took a quick look at Vinylengine.com (free website, but you need to register) and Kuzma, Moerch and Ortofon have the a 212 mm mounting distance.

SME tonearms require a SME mounting hole so a SME arm would not work on your turntable and because of the mounting distance Basis and Rega arms would not work either.

If you want to change tonearms you will need to see if the tonearm you are interested in will fit. In addition to mounting distance you need to check the size of the mounting hole and the screw pattern for the mounting screws. Hopefully the information above will provide some guidance and assistance.

You could also consider a different turntable. If you like the pod style turntable like your current Pro-ject you could look for a SME 10, and sell your Pro-ject. It may be less hassle than putting a different tonearm on your Pro-ject. There is one for sale on Audiogon now with a IV tonearm (no relationship with seller).